A recent blog post and extended commentary section on The Chronicle of Philanthropy discusses what might be the ‘Fund Raiser of the Future.’ The Chronicle is working on a full story on the topic and is now soliciting input and ideas. Certainly, as the MKCREATIVE blog has noted more than once in recent months, economic bad times can be good times to expand and enrich networks. Down time at the nonprofit’s office should be time spent keeping up with educational and promotional opportunities. We encourage you to participate in the Comments section and get your thoughts out there as they work on the story. We also want you to get out of the offices as well, so consider a conference.
One to mark on your organization’s calendar comes to us via The Foundation Center, which announces a one-day conference on “Cultivating Grantmaker Relationships.” Participants will enjoy a rich menu of meetings and seminars, as well as opportunities to talk with fellow fundraisers in the region:
When the partnership between a nonprofit organization and its funders is strengthened, it’s mutually beneficial. This course teaches you how to make the initial contact, help funders feel connected to your mission, cultivate grantmaker relationships throughout the grant process, and secure long-term stability for your projects.
Registration is done online, and the cost is $195 for the first member of a team with discounts of $25 for each additional member or for each additional seminar one participates in. Also, be sure to sign up for the Center’s online directory, which allows searches by philanthropic companies, regions, and industries. The thorough and constantly updated profiles can serve as a great time-saver and a means to sharpen the focus of your outreach. And what could be a better introduction to a new colleague than to ask him or her if he/she has commented on the recent post at the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s blog?