Research is a beautiful thing. Whenever frustrated marketers begin to wonder just who is really out there to talk to (or at), they can rest easy knowing that somewhere in America, a think tank is already at work on the answer. This month we have a bumper crop of useful (and free) studies:
- Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reveals the startling finding that internet users are more likely than others to be active a voluntary group or organization, and social media users are even more likely. The report also notes that certain key internet activities – including donating – are being accepted more uniformly across all age groups. There’s also data on what role the internet played in achieving organizational goals.
- A Harris Interactive poll on Americans’ charitable giving habits and plans found nearly half (48%) make a small contribution of time or money to organizations and causes they believe in, while 9% are “extremely involved” and 24% “give generously.” The percentage who feel they have a personal responsibility to make the world better has declined since 2007 from 31% to 24%.
- The 2011 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report provides a look at what your nonprofit peers are doing in the realm of communications and marketing. How often they send email, which social media they rate as important, what excites them, what frightens them, and a host of other issues are gathered by consultant Kivi Leroux Miller.