NTEN and M+R Strategic Services released their 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study in March, and there’s good news and bad news all through it.
- The median email list grew 20%; but the annual email list churn is 18% (8% unsubscribes).
- Online fundraising grew 14% in one year. But international disaster aid drove that, with 163% growth.
- Open rates on fundraising email fell 19%, to 0.08%; open rates for advocacy fell 7%, to 3.3%. (Hint: try fund appeals to advocacy respondents)
- 90% of online donations are one-time gifts.
- The average organization sent 3.6 emails per subscriber per month (6 in December).
- For every 1,000 email list names, there are an average 110 Facebook fan page users and 19 Twitter followers.
Guest blogger Don Akchin writes frequently about marketing and philanthropy at donakchin.com