Apple launched iCloud a couple of weeks back with much fanfare. The service is meant to improve the lags, vulnerabilities, and complications of MobileMe. And neither is particularly bleeding-edge technology. Apple’s efforts (as is so often the case) were to simplify and beatify the experience of cloud computing for the consumer (whether on Windows or […]
#Tech: Security Of Cloud Computing Up For Debate
One of the oft-touted statistical arguments about air travel is that driving to the airport is the most dangerous part of a flight. A variation of that theme was stated by Simon Crosby, CTO of Citrix, in a panel debate over cloud computing and security. As we have noted here, Amazon’s services went down a […]
#Tech: Cloud Reliability As Critical As Cloud Security
As more information, entertainment, and even software moves toward ‘the cloud,’ we meet both new freedoms of access and flexibility as well as new needed skills and risks. For most of us (including this author), envisioning the end of huge hard drives and CDs to deliver content is stressful: How can a whole movie (at […]