The European Parliament voted last week to continue to encourage net neutrality as a means to foster innovation and to encourage the dissemination of information. The resolution states, in part, its ambitions “to ensure that internet service providers do not block, discriminate against, impair or degrade the ability of any person to use a service […]
#ENVIRO: Effects of BP Oil Spill Won’t Be Clear For 10 Years
While many of us were reminded this weekend that winter is not over, we also got some stark reminders that the effects of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are not over either. Unfortunately, the debates about the effects of the spill, which began in April 2010 and was not capped until September, […]
#VIDEO: Recounting America’s Greatest Stories – A Conversation with Ken Burns
Educators! Bring history to life in your classroom with this PBS LearningMedia webinar featuring documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns, live-streamed last year. Read more about the webinar and watch a recording of it here.
Voting against our interests
Last week the BBC posted an intriguing synopsis of the tendency of a majority of Americans to vote against their economic interests. A classic example (though not referred to in this particular article) was the general support for the Bush Administration’s tax cuts, though less than 4% of the population directly benefited from them. Though […]