Today we present one of our periodic omnibus entries that includes a number of resources, updates, and seminars that have come our way – and that we believe are of particular value to our readers. The turning of the calendar inspires many of us to resolve to improve personally and professionally. Here are a few […]
Happy Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King Day was signed into law by Ronald Reagan in 1983 and first observed in 1986. Either in the spirit of nonviolent protest encouraged by Dr. King or in the spirit of political partisanship (depending on your point of view), many political and religious leader challenged the establishment of the federal holiday. Even […]
#MOVIE: Gray Memories Remixed (1989)
Gray Memories follows “The Man” (Ken Vorspan) on his existential journey through the backstreets of Cambridge, Massachusetts in search of the mysterious “Leon”. Will his quest be realized or is Leon just another figment of The Man’s imagination?