One New York non-profit is making great strides in addressing the adage — a real connection to others starts ‘in our back yards.’ The organization, ioby (in our back yards), began with the need to answer the question, ‘What is the fastest & easiest way for someone to get involved with something meaningful?’ Founding members […]
#EVENT: Green Guerillas – Film Festival (2011)
The Challenge: Green Guerillas asked us to act as creative agency, marketing consultants, and co-producers of an enviromental film festival in New York City. We had limited time and resources in which to both market the event and to produce it. Our Solution: MKCREATIVE developed a strategic marketing campaign to leverage client and co-host/sponsor […]
EcoFest Success and Green Construction in Baltimore
Baltimore GreenWorks pulled off another great EcoFest (the first being in 2005) this past week! Weather was a bit cool, but sunny and the MKCREATIVE team members who attended this small gathering had a great time. Many folks came out to enjoy good food, music, and bonding. A number of eco-engaged sponsors and merchants were […]
Oil Companies Attempt to Evade California’s CO2 Emission Laws
Ex-Vice President Al Gore has recently posted from his blog a series of legal moves by a number of Texas-based oil refinement companies to finagle or simply by-pass California’ CO2 emissions laws. Mr. Gore was responding (at least) to an article by John M. Broder and Clifford Krauss in the New York Times, which explores […]
A Report From the Weather Front
The nor’easters that have pummeled the eastern seaboard over the last month or so have provided many a fun day for kids unencumbered by the duties of school. Businesses and city budgets have been less enthusiastic as they have seen a notable falloff in customers or a striking pothole in their treasuries. The winter season […]