The social-networking site LinkedIn is treated as perhaps the most professional of all such sites/services. People who use it might have photos of some crazy weekends, but those tend to go to Facebook. LinkedIn has almost 4 million people within its network, and some 76,000 nonprofit groups that have coalesced within it. With such credentials […]
#Enviro: Looking For Work? Jobs For Greenbacks And For A Green Mid-Atlantic
The jobs numbers continues to tetter between 9% and 9.3% unemployment, and involuntary under-employment blooms those numbers closer to 20%. If you are searching for work in the Mid-Atlantic region (Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia), The Mid-Atlantic Regional Collaborative (MARC) has been pushing green jobs at their website over the last couple of years – a […]
Development: Nonprofits Hope To Hire (A Few) in 2011
Happy Easter Monday/Last day of Passover! We mark the season of rebirth and hope in new beginnings with a study suggesting the (tempered) optimism of the nonprofit sector to see some green sprouts of growth over the next six-to-eight months. The overall unemployment rate has gently and oh-so-slowly slipped back toward a mere 8.8%, and […]
Nonprofit: Job-Seeker Resources
We’re subscribers to the NonProfit Times and have always been impressed by their nonprofit job-seekers database and online tool found here. In addition to being able to search by category, job-type, state, city, etc. one can also download annual salary surveys and job-trend reports to aid in one’s job-search. is another favorite destination of […]
#Aging: Will the Social Security Earnings Penalty Affect Me?
AARP published a useful Q&A as part of a series on tax-issue for those approaching retirement age. This particular article helps the reader identify which payments are classified as “Special Payments” under the current tax code and how they must be reported to the IRS. Here’s a definition of “Special Payments” from AARP: Special payments […]
#INTERVIEW: Sybil Stershic, Consultant, Blogger, & Author of Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most
Sybil Stershic, founder of Quality Service Marketing, is a long-time consultant and blogger on internal marketing and the author of Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most: A Guide to Employee-Customer Care. A former chairperson of the American Marketing Association Board of Directors, she continues to lead workshops fort AMA including its “Nonprofit Marketing […]
Nonprofits Continue To Buck Jobless Trends (But Don’t Pop The Champagne)
Welcome back from what we at MKCREATIVE hope was only a three-day weekend from your work. The political talk around the long weekend was the hold on the jobless number at 9.6%, despite production and sales numbers that continue to suggest an expanding economy. The reason the numbers for July-August are being treated as especially […]
Jobs Report Suggests Slight Or Slighter Growth Depending on Source
The release of the government’s jobs report this past week was cause for about as much speculation as Apple Inc.’s World Wide Developers’ Conference is this week. And just as people pretty much knew about Apple’s fourth-generation iPhone weeks ago, so people were pretty sure what the jobs report would look like before it was […]