Toby Bloomberg’s Diva Marketing Blog, begun in 2004, is among the oldest sustained business blogs. An experienced marketer for businesses and nonprofits, Toby has an active consulting practice and is a frequent speaker on social marketing and other marketing topics. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a […]
#EVENT: Green Guerillas – Film Festival (2011)
The Challenge: Green Guerillas asked us to act as creative agency, marketing consultants, and co-producers of an enviromental film festival in New York City. We had limited time and resources in which to both market the event and to produce it. Our Solution: MKCREATIVE developed a strategic marketing campaign to leverage client and co-host/sponsor […]
#MOVIE: Gray Memories Remixed (1989)
Gray Memories follows “The Man” (Ken Vorspan) on his existential journey through the backstreets of Cambridge, Massachusetts in search of the mysterious “Leon”. Will his quest be realized or is Leon just another figment of The Man’s imagination?
#VIDEO: Einstürzende Altbauten
Einstürzende Altbauten (Collapsing Old Buildings) is a short film by Marco Kathuria recently remastered and represented for an online viewing audience. Originally entitled “driveBYE”, Einstürzende Altbauten takes the viewer on a journey from Brooklyn to midtown Manhattan in the days following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. As the […]