We thank you for reading our blog, and we hope to provide relevant, timely, and interesting material for you for 2012. Producing a timely and engaging blog (at least we hope so!) requires some effort. But the opportunities and results they can produce are well worth the investment. If your nonprofit organization has a blog, […]
#Communication: SOPA & PIPA Bills Are Dying, But Not Dead
Yesterday, a couple of the most used and best-known websites on the internet willingly shut themselves down: Wikipedia and Reddit. Google, you likely noticed, ‘redacted’ its daily Google Doodle. These efforts were to call attention to and protest against the Congressional debates over the ‘Stop Internet Piracy Act’ (SOPA) in the House and the ‘Protect […]
#SocialMedia: Netflix Continues To Harass Loyal Customers
A couple of weeks ago, the entertainment-streaming service Netflix realigned its offerings to give customers the choices of having a streaming-only service, a DVD-only service, or a combination of the two – all at a notable price hike from last September’s more modest rise. The company found itself in a social-media mine field as its […]
#SocialNetworks: Facebook Sharing Re-Expanded (Again)
It seems like every couple of months users of Facebook get to re-learn how to control what the world’s most popular social-media site shares of their personal material. As we have argued before, the whole point of ‘social media’ is to share, so complaining that Facebook ‘shares’ seems misguided at best. Which is not to […]
Being Good Ain’t Enough
In a fascinating essay in the Huffington Post, commentator Matt Dunn ponders the differences between the marketing of toothpaste and nonprofits (hint: toothpaste marketing is more successful) and why nonprofits cannot presume to win support just because they do good work. Even in a season of hope, there’s nothing gained by relying on wishful thinking. […]
‘Net Neutrality’ Is Complicated – And Is Heading To Extinction (Part II)
The responses to the tag-team proposal/ announcement by Google and Verizon yesterday continue to pour in – few of them favorable. Again we depend on the Huffington Post for providing a useful synopsis of reactions across the media world. We noted Craig Aaron’s reactions on SaveThe Internet.com yesterday, and he has weighed in with a […]
Recent Reports of Administration’s Efforts To End Foreclosure: “Extend And Pretend”
With midterm elections coming in November, and with the Democrats generally sailing against the political winds, reports about the difficulties and inadequacies of the Obama Administrations project “Making Home Affordable” (MHA) are likely to slacken further the party’s sails. The MHA program was set up in February 2009 as offering “opportunities to modify or refinance […]
Jobs Report Suggests Slight Or Slighter Growth Depending on Source
The release of the government’s jobs report this past week was cause for about as much speculation as Apple Inc.’s World Wide Developers’ Conference is this week. And just as people pretty much knew about Apple’s fourth-generation iPhone weeks ago, so people were pretty sure what the jobs report would look like before it was […]