Remember Obama’s Death Panels? No, they didn’t exist. But like ‘cooties,’ the scared and the immature just kept repeating that they were waiting to snatch us up. What the Healthcare Reform Bill wanted to institute was the opportunity – nay, the expectation – for families to have regular consultations with their doctors about end-of-life/palliative care […]
#Aging: Bill Thomas – Elderhood Rising: The Dawn of a New World Age (Video)
As a followup to an article written by Dr. Ronch, Interim Dean at the Erickson School for Management of Aging Services (and an MKCREATIVE client) — where he discusses the paucity of Gerontologists in the USA — I thought it useful to post a link to a compelling video presentation made by another Erickson School […]
Studies on Health and Family Stability Thru Recession
The ‘Great Recession’ has been with us long enough now that medium-term information is giving policy makers and think tanks information to discuss long-term changes in the American economy and society. We have already reported on a few of these, and more will becoming out over the coming months. Today we look at a report […]
#PublicPolicy: 5 Facts about the Anti-Healthcare Reform Mobs
Reposted from: Democratic National Committee Blog There has been a lot of media coverage about organized mobs intimidating lawmakers, disrupting town halls, and silencing real discussion about the need for real health insurance reform. The truth is, it’s a sham. These “grassroots protests†are being organized and largely paid for by Washington special interests and […]