Difficult not to start this post with a shout-out to the Baltimore Orioles, who beat the Red Sox at Fenway last night after 17 innings. One of the best of the many anomalies of the game is the fact that the O’s Designated Hitter, Chris Davis went 0-for-8, with 5 strikeouts − and was the winning pitcher, […]
#SM4NP: Beware Not Of SM But Of SM Snake Oil & Silver Bullets
If we aren’t careful, we might be entranced to believe social-media networking platforms have been around for quite a while. I mean, if Facebook is valued at $5 billion in its Initial Public Auction, then surely it’s a tried-and-true company that still has room to grow. Right? Before you jump over to your E*Trade account, you might […]
#Interview: Nicole Harrison is the founder of SocialNicole.com and host of #nptalk
Nicole Harrison is the founder of SocialNicole, a Minneapolis agency that provides online and social media communications services for businesses and nonprofits. She is also the host of a weekly Twitter chat about nonprofits, #NPTalk. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a frequent contributor to the MKCREATIVE […]
#Interview: Mike Kujawski, VP at CEPSM, Blogger & Speaker on Social Media
Mike Kujawski is Vice President of Strategic Marketing & Digital Engagement at the Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing (CEPSM). Mike blogs at Public Sector Marketing 2.0, speaks frequently on social media and serves public sector and non-profit clients internationally. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and […]
#INTERVIEW: Jeff Brooks, Nonprofit Blogger, Author, and Creative Director
Jeff Brooks has been working on behalf of nonprofits for more than 20 years and passionately blogging about fundraising since 2005. He writes the Future Fundraising Now blog and is creative director at TrueSense Marketing. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a frequent contributor to the MKCREATIVE […]
#INTERVIEW: Jason Dick, Owner of “A Small Change” Fundraising Blog
“A Small Change” is a blog about fundraising. Its creator, Jason Dick, works full-time as a major gifts officer for Evergreen Healthcare Foundation in Kirkland, Washington. His seven years of fundraising experience include previous positions at a community college foundation and in human services. He started his blog four years ago. The interview was conducted […]
#Development: Establishing Goals To Ensure Integrating Social Media In Your Organization’s Growth Plans
Integrating social media among your peers and within the overall strategy of your charity or nonprofit is not simply a matter of establishing a Facebook presence and hoping for the best. Steven Van Belleghem, branding and word-of-mouth strategist at InSites Consulting, and Dado Van Peteghem, strategic consultant at DearMedia, have spent the spring interviewing numerous […]
#Interview: Gail Perry, Fundraising Consultant, Trainer & Author of Fired-Up Fundraising
Gail Perry is a fundraising consultant and trainer and the author of Fired-Up Fundraising: Turn Your Board’s Passion into Action. She is a highly sought speaker and writes a popular blog. Her most recent venture is an online coaching group. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a […]