Sherry Truhlar, President of Red Apple Auctions, conducts benefit auctions for nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. She founded the company after more than a decade in corporate sales, marketing and event management. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a frequent contributor to the MKCREATIVE blog. MKC: Did […]
#Tech: Does The Smartphone Move Us To A Post-PC, Post-Camera, Post-mp3 player… World?
Few things in life are more futile, and such great fun, as predicting the future. From Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History to Harold Camping’s Time Has An End (the web design exhibited here ended, thankfully, about 1997), we invariably misunderstand what will be the next big thing. And when we get it wrong we […]
#Philanthropy: Apple’s Lack Of Charity Still Squeezed In Blogosphere
Apple Inc. has a wonderful record of making innovative products that can be both cutting edge and easy to use in the same moment. The corporation has striven to green its production and shipping practices as well. Steve Jobs’s famous keynote presentations stir the geek world and Wall Street alike. He is often treated as […]
The iPad Is The Tip Of The iCeberg
The iPad was announced this past April, and for much of 2010 when anyone spoke of a ‘mobile computer,’ most anyone listening/reading substituted ‘iPad.’ What is striking about the iPad in terms of the history of Apple is that it is a device that largely created a market, rather than an Apple device that overtook […]
#Philanthropy: Apple – The Bad Apple In The Corporate Philanthropic Bushel?
We have often discussed the roles corporate philanthropy plays both in supporting environmental, social, educational (etc.) causes and in the arguments that corporations should not be preemptively philanthropic as corporations (though even those who criticize ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’/CSR tend to encourage share-holders to be philanthropic). A recent argument has flared up over Apple’s unwillingness to […]
The Atlantic Says: “Apple Wins!” But Is The Competition Over?
If you already own an Apple product or two, you might already have become one of those endearing/irritating Apple Evangelists excited by any new product announced from Cupertino. Or you might see your Appleware as the best of a crowd of good products. Or you might find the whole cult-of-Apple think rather weird. But you […]
It’s Cool – And Lucrative – To Be Mobile. Is It Smart?
Today we again turn to the polling giant Nielsen, who have published a survey of over 5000 consumers who have a mobile device and how life situations influence their choices of mobile device and the ways they use it. In this particular survey, the questions focused on who used their mobile device to follow (or […]