The Challenge: How to present an engaging arts and lifestyle magazine television series in a top 50 market where the main competitor is not similar shows on local television, but streaming-video via the Internet.
Social Media: Newspaper Abandons Newsprint. Uses Facebook Instead.
Much has been in the news about the role of social media to spark and sustain the revolutions going across the north African/Arabian region. A small irony amidst the bloodshed and tragedy of a tyrant killing his own people is that most Libyans had to revert to overseas 1990s dialup to wield the power of […]
#MOVIE: Gray Memories Remixed (1989)
Gray Memories follows “The Man” (Ken Vorspan) on his existential journey through the backstreets of Cambridge, Massachusetts in search of the mysterious “Leon”. Will his quest be realized or is Leon just another figment of The Man’s imagination?