“Multi-channel marketing” is the latest buzzword to proliferate and pollute all the multiple channels of communication. (See item below for a good example of why.) Convio has published a survey (produced by Edge Research, of Washington and Baltimore) that looks at how well nonprofits are doing and at what seem to be the success factors. […]
CASE: Simple Recipe Increases Giving by 50%
Talk about your multi-channel marketing. Check out this case study: a health nonprofit supplements its end-of-year direct mail appeal with a series of four targeted emails, with outstanding results. Guest blogger Don Akchin writes frequently about marketing and philanthropy at donakchin.com
Fundraising: Two New Online Platforms Target Nonprofits
Suddenly everyone wants to build a social media platform just for nonprofits. In addition to Jumo and Crowdrise, which act as fundraising portals, and Facebook’s nonprofit program, March saw two new entries. Craig Newmark (the Craig in Craigslist) launched Craigconnects as a way to support worthy organizations from the grassroots. Meanwhile, Google for Nonprofits offers […]
Social Media: What’s Normal for Nonprofits Online? Check the eNonprofit Benchmarks Study
NTEN and M+R Strategic Services released their 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study in March, and there’s good news and bad news all through it. The median email list grew 20%; but the annual email list churn is 18% (8% unsubscribes). Online fundraising grew 14% in one year. But international disaster aid drove that, with 163% growth. Open […]
News: Latest Surveys Provide Fascinating Glimpses at The Online Crowd and How Nonprofits Approach Them
Research is a beautiful thing. Whenever frustrated marketers begin to wonder just who is really out there to talk to (or at), they can rest easy knowing that somewhere in America, a think tank is already at work on the answer. This month we have a bumper crop of useful (and free) studies: Pew Research […]