This is a repost of an article that original appeared on the MKCREATIVE Nonprofit Marketing Blog in December, 2010. Shortly after Miriam Avins and her family moved to Baltimore in 2003, she and her neighbors started a community garden after a dilapidated house next door to them was taken down. A few years later when […]
#Sustainability: Keeping Families In Homes Keeps Neighborhoods Alive
We welcome Bernell Grier, CEO of Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc. to the growing list of Contributors to the MKCREATIVEnonprofit Blog. Ms. Grier was appointed CEO in May of last year, having been COO of the housing organization since 2004. She is writing about proposed cuts in government funding to community-development […]
Aging: The Graying of Chicago
This article slipped through the cracks but we’re sure glad we spotted a reference to it on the Senior Housing News’ website: it’s a Crain’s Special Report asking whether an aging population affects a city’s economic future. It is a great question and Crain’s Chicago Business ran an in-depth story (Feb 7) examining how Chicago’s […]
2011 NIC Regional Symposium Dates
The playing field has changed for the seniors housing industry, and strategies must also change if organizations are to score future success. At the 2011 NIC Regional Symposium in March, attendees will gather with other private-pay operators and investors with locally—or regionally—focused portfolios to learn how they can adapt their playbook to position their organizations […]
Over 1 Million Households Pay More Than 50% of Their Income For Rent
Senior Housing News reports that the supply of affordable rental housing appears to be dropping at a rapid pace during the past 2 years according to new research released this week from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The study, Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: A Report to Congress, measures the scale […]
End-Of-Year Giving And How It Might Change
Many of us give all through the year, which is to say, we are conscious of giving periodically to specific organizations or through special events. Nevertheless, the last week or two of December sees a great spike in giving. The motivation being a heady mix of holiday good will and thankfulness, as well as a […]
Meta-Debate About Mega-Cities (Or Not) Of The Future
Yesterday we posted news concerning two multi-family buildings opened or in development in Washington DC and Baltimore. These projects, initiated and funded by a bipartisan association of private- and public-sector institutions, are also meeting the gold standard of LEED Certification of environmental stewardship. The project in Washington DC represents a new model of Section 8 […]
The Foreclosure Crisis: The Same, But Different
The economic news relayed via our blog this week has not been much for confidence building, and we close the week with reports of a bleak twist in the ongoing foreclosure crisis. The news of the past couple of weeks has been that reporters and most of the fifty states’ attorneys general have been pursuing […]