Alright, your mind might be elsewhere today: packing – or already travelling – for Thanksgiving, getting the wine chilled or the bird defrosted, remembering all the reasons we are celebrating ‘Thanksgiving’… But at least bookmark this post so that when you return to your desk at your organization, you can set up your nonprofit’s Google+ […]
#MARKETING: The Black-Friday-Cyber-Monday Double Punch
Welcome back from Thanksgiving. And, if you are like some 212 million of your closer friends, welcome back from shopping. Sales figures for ‘Black Friday‘ (the day many stores move from the debt of red ink to the black of profitability in their books) looked stronger than they have in a while, according to The […]
#Tech: Two Applications To Find Deals Even After Black Friday
We hope you had a joyous and stuffed Thanksgiving with your family and friends. If you cut back on the turkey and the wine and the pie and the cognac to be sure you could be at the box store’s doors at 4:00am, then we hope you got what you wanted. Thanksgiving itself is wonderfully […]