Last week we promised to discuss the connection that can be made between your nonprofit’s Tumblr site and RSS Readers around the world. Thus far in this series we have focused on the Tumblr side of things, but today it might be of greater value to focus on RSS, what it is and how it […]
#VIDEO: UMBC – Student Recruitment Video
The Challenge: The marketing department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) approached MKCREATIVE to ask for help: They wanted to promote the Erickson School — a unique department dedicated to the study of aging, public policy, and business. The brief was to develop a story that could not only recount the Erickson School’s history […]
Social Media: Software Informs You Of Developments On Facebook
Perhaps traditional email is going the way of the fax machine, as we all become more dependent of the instant communication of text messages and tweets. Certainly Facebook’s engineers are counting on that evolution as they roll out Messages. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of computer users continue to use ‘traditional’ email services and software, even […]
#HowTo: Setting Up Various Facebook Pages – Know The Types!
By the summer of 2009, Facebook came with a few new profiles: personal pages, community pages, and public profiles. The three are distinct, and even within the public profiles, one has a number of choices about the kind of public profile one wishes to establish. There were some issues (surprise!) when the features were first […]