Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes numerous tools and plug-ins that help (first) web crawlers and algorythems find your organization’s website, so that human web searchers can then find your site via Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc. Optimization means (in part) key words are placed in specific parts of the website’s code and banners to ensure that […]
#HOWTO: Get Guidance From Google On Simple SEO Success
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a social media buzzword: gotta have it, gotta work at it, gotta pack it in to your website or blog! And it is true that SEO needs to be a part of your nonprofit’s online and outreach strategies. Why develop a new site or even update your outdated one if […]
#Social Media: Can Google’s Expanding Social Networking Distort Your Ranking? Maybe.
Google’s credentials have traditionally been built up by scouring the web for key words and web links that human browsers then wanted to find via the search box. As more and more of those searchers clicked a particular listing established by Google, that listing moved up through the tens to millions of sites that had […]
Facebook Is Changing Business, Advertising, Language…
We wind up our week-long survey of Facebook with a look at how it can be used as a business tool, and how people are using it as such. Even if you do not yet have a Facebook site, the impact of the technology on our language is unmistakable: ‘Friend’ has become a verb. The […]
Recent Developments in Website Design – Part I: Fonts
We start this week with a consideration of recent developments in website design for charities and nonprofits. This blog (along with, well, most every design blog out there) has often commented on the need for nonprofits, charities, and mission-based businesses to extend their web presence wherever possible. Much of the point of social networking applications […]