Brooklyn Independent Television (a division of the Community Media initiative of BRIC Arts | Media | Bklyn), makes TV programs for and about Brooklyn, NYC, covering news, arts, culture, sports, health, business, and what’s happening in Brooklyn’s diverse neighborhoods.
Marco Kathuria, Creative Director and Social Media Strategist at MKCREATIVE happens to be one of their freelance instructors, so when he heard that BIT was expanding their programming and were looking for talented filmmakers who want to tell stories, he felt it was something worth sharing.
Jonathan Lief, Associate Executive Producer for Programming said that “our stories generally run from 4 to 7 minutes long, depending on the show. Producers work with a shooter, usually cut the segments at home, and get helpful feedback from the programs’ producers. We pay $225 per package. Most of the time, these are your own story pitches you’re producing, you’re using our equipment, you’re not under crunchy deadlines, your story will air on TV and be seen online.”
Furthermore, “this is a chance to wear a slightly different hat than you may be used to, whether it’s reporting on a news or health issue facing our borough, profiling the work of an artist, interviewing a local athlete, or exploring what intrigues you about the new retail business or restaurant down the block. We want people whose approach and sensibility is more documentary than local news, more NPR than WNBC – though you still have to stick to the rules of fair journalism.”
Click here to take a look at BRIC‘s full BIT shows and/or separate stories, plus find out more about who they are and what they do.
Email resume and link to demo work: [email protected]. Subject line should read: “Freelance TV Producer & Reporter.”
Mail resume and DVD to:
Production Manager
BRIC Arts | Media | Bklyn
242 3rd St.
Brooklyn, NY 11215
No telephone calls for position inquiries please.