Concerns over the environment sometimes radiate more heat than light, but the website ClimateCentral serves as a great resource for answers and questions. The site is chock-full of stories, images, statistics, and (a personal favorite) ‘microanimations’ that demonstrate processes and technologies in a concise manner for the interested layperson.
One focus on the site is carbon emissions: the (surprising) places they come from, how to limit them, and how to mitigate the effects of what is emitted. Thus we thought it best to start with the site’s explanation of the greenhouse effect that is warming the planet.
The site is refreshingly scientific and a-political, which helps spread information that might get drowned out, especially after the recent challenges to predictions of melting ice caps in the Himalayan mountains (as reported in The New York Times. It is even worth a visit to enjoy the clean, vibrant, and easy-to-use design the developers built for the site.