What a difference a year can make – not always for the better, mind you. But in today’s post we see grounds for optimism when it comes to the development of social networks and of social movements through those networks as they force political and economic change. Last fall we wrote about the incisive and […]
Social Media: Arab Revolutions. Your Nonprofit’s Outreach: Possible Connections
Tunisia and Egypt have removed their long-entrenched autocratic rulers. Yemen is in upheaval, Libya has erupted only in the last 24 hours, and even Iran’s theocratic oligarchy is being threatened again by protests. The political, economic, and religious dimensions of these revolutions is beyond the expertise of our humble blog, but the revivified debate over […]
Resolved: Social Media Produces Social Good (Part 2: Arguments For The Negative)
In the debate over the influence social media has in steering social and/or political movements, the assumption seems generally to be that, yes, the ‘socially-engaged’ businesses, philanthropies, NGOs, etc., have found meaningful ways to leverage SM to further their causes. Two oft-cited examples are the impact that groups like MoveOn.org had in the election of […]
#BOOKREVIEW: Blink –The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
#BOOKREVIEW: I read Blink on a plane to London last year and was thoroughly taken with Gladwell’s thesis: that the brain works very quickly to analyse information and come to a conclusion that informs us through the medium of “a feeling” or a “gut instinct” — all of this taking place in a few seconds […]