Purple Cow kicked-off my investigation into the “new” approach to marketing: offer something great — a service, a product, an idea — and then develop a permission-based marketing plan (as opposed to traditional “interruption-based” forms) to reach out to new customers turning them from “strangers into friends”. “The world is changing ever more rapidly, and […]
Social Networks and Social Media: Let The Latter Tap Into The Former
The TED (Technology, Education, Design) website has recently posted Nicholas Christakis’s talk entitled “The Hidden Influence of Social Networks,” which we repost here for your consideration. His research began with the topic of obesity, but he has developed a model of social connectivity that affects our political and emotional behavior as much as our eating […]
#SOCIALMEDIA REVOLUTION: CEOs and social media – a strong combination?
A new technology is invariably difficult to put down for the fearless first adopters. Those who move more slowly toward that technology might feel intimidation from those who adopted early and have since honed their skills. Those who waited might also begin to ask if adoption is even necessary. Such a dynamic might be especially […]
2010 Non-Profit Technology Conference
Following up on yesterday’s theme of making 2010 a great year for outreach and communications: the 2010 Non-Profit Technology Conference (NTC) is going to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 8-10. The conference is at the Omni Hotel in the CNN Center, and registration is now open.
#BOOKREVIEW: Permission Marketing – Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers
After “Purple Cow“, “Permission Marketing…“, a marketing-bible in your pocket, is a must-read. It defined a new marketing paradigm (back in 1999) but is still as relevant today as the “right” way to develop a marketing strategy for the world on Web 3.0 if you want your business to be successful. In a world where […]