We enjoy looking for, and perhaps even presenting ourselves, challenging ideas for our readers. And one idea we came across challenges our desires to find just the right holiday gift for a loved one while maintaining our green/environmentalist cred. Piers Fawkes, founder and CEO of the New-York based firm PSFK, argues in a recent blog […]
#INTERVIEW: Dave Michaels of Ecoprint Discusses How Nonprofits Can Use Print Collateral Effectively
This month marked the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, and once again green is back in fashion. For some companies, like Ecoprint, green has always been in season. Based just north of Washington D.C., this printing company was founded by an environmental activist who participated in the first Earth Day and proudly proclaims its “environmental […]
#DESIGN: Capital One – Earth Day Posters
The Challenge: Capital One, a long-time client, came to MKCREATIVE Media and asked us to develop a series of posters, flyers, and communications materials to promote Earth Day awareness at their corporate campus in Richmond, Virginia. Our Solution: We worked with our client to create a colorful and eye-catching communications kit that introduced new paradigms […]