The alliance between CBS/EcoMedia began just last year in an effort to bring advertising dollars directly to nonprofits, and the success of the program is beyond doubt as five more nationally recognized environmental nonprofits have recently joined the ranks. The effort of the partnership is allow corporate sponsors who buy advertising through the CBS conglomerate […]
#Enviro: Does a Green Xmas List Really Help The Environment?
We enjoy looking for, and perhaps even presenting ourselves, challenging ideas for our readers. And one idea we came across challenges our desires to find just the right holiday gift for a loved one while maintaining our green/environmentalist cred. Piers Fawkes, founder and CEO of the New-York based firm PSFK, argues in a recent blog […]
#Fundraising: How To Apply For A Grant From Intel
This week in our ongoing periodic series on grant providers and how to apply for their support, we look at the tech company that helps build Microsoft and Apple computers: Intel. The corporation is best known for its processors and motherboards and for its 5-note jingle – but its stand on corporate social responsibility is truly impressive. […]
#Tech: The Mac Mini Has Little Impact On Environment Yet Mighty Power
I have often written about the great opportunity and flexibility the Mac Mini Server offers nonprofits and small businesses. In this post, I’m going to quickly address the most obvious but least talked about feature: the size and power of the Mac Mini Server. The box of this powerful little machine measures just 1.4” H […]
#Enviro: Looking For Work? Jobs For Greenbacks And For A Green Mid-Atlantic
The jobs numbers continues to tetter between 9% and 9.3% unemployment, and involuntary under-employment blooms those numbers closer to 20%. If you are searching for work in the Mid-Atlantic region (Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia), The Mid-Atlantic Regional Collaborative (MARC) has been pushing green jobs at their website over the last couple of years – a […]
Enviro: Deepwater Horizon Disaster One Year Later
The explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico erupted one year ago today. Eleven workers on the Transocean/Halliburton/British Petroleum were killed, though BP has still managed to avoid investigation into their deaths. The terrible tragedy of 20 April 2010 became the ongoing ecological crisis of the largest oil spill in US […]
#ENVIRONMENTAL: 8th-Annual Baltimore Green Week Starts Tomorrow!
It started with a handful of volunteers hoping to draw attention to some of the environmental efforts in and around Baltimore city. It grew in scope to include the business and nonprofit sectors, as well as scores of neighborhood-based organizations. And now Baltimore Green Works is poised to give us the biggest, funnest, most colorful, […]
#ENVIRO: Effects of BP Oil Spill Won’t Be Clear For 10 Years
While many of us were reminded this weekend that winter is not over, we also got some stark reminders that the effects of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are not over either. Unfortunately, the debates about the effects of the spill, which began in April 2010 and was not capped until September, […]