If your organization is switching to the Mac, or looking to switch in the future, you may have a single application that doesn’t have a equivalent on the Apple platform, or it’s simply too costly to change over immediately. Issues such as these might be holding you back from a well-deserved and much needed upgrade-slash-switch. […]
#BookReview: Ten Steps On The Road To ‘Presentation Zen’
This is a repost of an article that originally appeared on the MKCREATIVE blog in May, 2010. The business/education/PR presentation got a boost in the ’90s when Microsoft PowerPoint gave us the opportunity to turn the staid lecture (from Lectio, ‘to read’) into a multi-media extravaganza of bullet points and pie charts and popping 15-point […]
The Atlantic Says: “Apple Wins!” But Is The Competition Over?
If you already own an Apple product or two, you might already have become one of those endearing/irritating Apple Evangelists excited by any new product announced from Cupertino. Or you might see your Appleware as the best of a crowd of good products. Or you might find the whole cult-of-Apple think rather weird. But you […]
Font Faces On The Web: New Developments Allow New Flexibilities
In a satisfying moment of serendipity that web browsing allows so many of us, I found an extended discussion about recent developments about the expanding opportunities to use creative fonts on websites to follow up on yesterday’s brief history of two popular print fonts (Baskerville and Gill Sans). The development of fonts from the scribe’s […]
Toshiba Reinvents Tablet To Tweak The Portable Market
We discussed the Apple iPad a couple of months ago as the product that could transform expectations of the tablet/portable/cloud computing world. Well, eighty days into the product launch, and 3 million iPads later, the market is soon to get another competitor: the Toshiba Libretto. Neither is/will be the first into the market, but Apple’s […]