Americans spend weeks vetting and prognosticating before Oscar Night. We then spend days celebrating, lamenting, or lampooning the winners. After the really big show last night, we wanted to call attention to the growing influence and funding for independent documentary films, many of which include influential grass-roots movements to call attention to the issues raised […]
#EDUCATION: Why Computer Literacy Is Crucial
Why Computer Literacy is Key to Winning the 21st Century Let’s not make ourselves obsolete … “Upending our notions of what it means to interface with computers could help democratize the biggest engine of wealth since the Industrial Revolution.” A 2014 Mother Jones‘ article from explores the challenges faced by communities nationwide, as funds for computational […]
EcoFest Success and Green Construction in Baltimore
Baltimore GreenWorks pulled off another great EcoFest (the first being in 2005) this past week! Weather was a bit cool, but sunny and the MKCREATIVE team members who attended this small gathering had a great time. Many folks came out to enjoy good food, music, and bonding. A number of eco-engaged sponsors and merchants were […]
Oil Companies Attempt to Evade California’s CO2 Emission Laws
Ex-Vice President Al Gore has recently posted from his blog a series of legal moves by a number of Texas-based oil refinement companies to finagle or simply by-pass California’ CO2 emissions laws. Mr. Gore was responding (at least) to an article by John M. Broder and Clifford Krauss in the New York Times, which explores […]
A Report From the Weather Front
The nor’easters that have pummeled the eastern seaboard over the last month or so have provided many a fun day for kids unencumbered by the duties of school. Businesses and city budgets have been less enthusiastic as they have seen a notable falloff in customers or a striking pothole in their treasuries. The winter season […]