Part one in a multipart interview series featuring the key participants in the plan to redevelop an historic flour mill in Maryland is now available for viewing on YouTube and Vimeo. The existing structure was built in 1916 and stands on the footprint of several mills dating back to 1774 when the Ellicott Brothers built […]
#HOWTO: Taking Photographs with a Film Camera is Easier than Ever!
I’ll not wax poetic here, this is exactly what it says on the tin: if you are shooting with a film camera, or just thinking about it, read on. This article is for you. Get A Vintage Camera Vintage film cameras can be surprisingly affordable but, depending on the source, often require repair or adjustment. […]
#Interview: Miriam Avins, Founder Of The Baltimore Green Space
This is a repost of an article that original appeared on the MKCREATIVE Nonprofit Marketing Blog in December, 2010. Shortly after Miriam Avins and her family moved to Baltimore in 2003, she and her neighbors started a community garden after a dilapidated house next door to them was taken down. A few years later when […]
#VIDEO: UMBC – Student Recruitment Video
The Challenge: The marketing department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) approached MKCREATIVE to ask for help: They wanted to promote the Erickson School — a unique department dedicated to the study of aging, public policy, and business. The brief was to develop a story that could not only recount the Erickson School’s history […]
#Enviro: Time To Plan Your Proposal For The 2012 Baltimore Green Week!
The fine folks at Baltimore Green Works have been putting on Baltimore Green Week for the past eight years, and they are calling for submissions for those individuals and organizations ready to make the ninth one the best yet. The form required to propose your project, product, booth, or happening is available online, and is […]
#Fundraising: Susan Emfinger Discusses The Difficulties and Faulty Assumptions of Raising Money
In my last blog post, I said that I would spend some time exploring questions that to my mind are important to fundraisers from both the charity and the education sectors. Be careful what you wish for: just this week a former, non-fundraising colleague asked me a question recently that, frankly, I didn’t have the […]
Prepare for Multi-Channel Marketing
“Multi-channel marketing” is the latest buzzword to proliferate and pollute all the multiple channels of communication. (See item below for a good example of why.) Convio has published a survey (produced by Edge Research, of Washington and Baltimore) that looks at how well nonprofits are doing and at what seem to be the success factors. […]
#Aging: Establishing A Consultancy to Support Baby Boomers Calls For A Long-Distance Run
We welcome a new contributor to our ranks, Brenda Becker, an aging-services consultant. Brenda’s consultancy connects seniors with the resources they need. My husband loves to run. It all started, as it frequently does, when the numbers on the scale were a bit higher than he wanted to see. He decided to lose a few […]