Americans spend weeks vetting and prognosticating before Oscar Night. We then spend days celebrating, lamenting, or lampooning the winners. After the really big show last night, we wanted to call attention to the growing influence and funding for independent documentary films, many of which include influential grass-roots movements to call attention to the issues raised […]
#EVENT: Green Guerillas – Film Festival (2011)
The Challenge: Green Guerillas asked us to act as creative agency, marketing consultants, and co-producers of an enviromental film festival in New York City. We had limited time and resources in which to both market the event and to produce it. Our Solution: MKCREATIVE developed a strategic marketing campaign to leverage client and co-host/sponsor […]
#INTERVIEW: Michael Hoffman, CEO of See3 Communications, Discusses Why Nonprofits Need to Embrace Video
Michael Hoffman is co-founder and CEO of See3 Communications and a leading authority on online video for nonprofits and online fundraising and outreach strategies. After turns as a political consultant and developer of Internet startups, he founded See3 to bring together his vision of the web and his passion for nonprofit fundraising. The interview was […]