Nicole Harrison is the founder of SocialNicole, a Minneapolis agency that provides online and social media communications services for businesses and nonprofits. She is also the host of a weekly Twitter chat about nonprofits, #NPTalk. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal of Nonprofit Marketing 360 and a frequent contributor to the MKCREATIVE […]
#INTERVIEW: Chris Forbes, Co-Author of Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits, Offers Great Advice to Groups
Chris Forbes is the co-author of Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits and a certified guerrilla-marketing coach. His varied background in marketing includes experience in the faith sector and work on five continents, and he has pioneered several media initiatives in public relations, television, radio and the Internet. The interview was conducted by Don Akchin, a principal […]
#Marketing: Prepare And Refine Your Organization’s ‘Elevator Pitch’
Economic news runs hot-and-cold. Social media keep us informed with beeps and dings we start to hear in our sleep. Those in need are, unfortunately, growing as the Great Recession has hit different economic sectors differently. Donors still want to give, although perhaps not with the open-ended resources they believed they had. And everyone’s time […]
#MOVIE: Gray Memories Remixed (1989)
Gray Memories follows “The Man” (Ken Vorspan) on his existential journey through the backstreets of Cambridge, Massachusetts in search of the mysterious “Leon”. Will his quest be realized or is Leon just another figment of The Man’s imagination?