The Challenge: How to present an engaging arts and lifestyle magazine television series in a top 50 market where the main competitor is not similar shows on local television, but streaming-video via the Internet.
#VIDEOJOBS: Freelance Producers & Reporters Wanted for Brooklyn Independent Television
Brooklyn Independent Television (a division of the Community Media initiative of BRIC Arts | Media | Bklyn), makes TV programs for and about Brooklyn, NYC, covering news, arts, culture, sports, health, business, and what’s happening in Brooklyn’s diverse neighborhoods. Marco Kathuria, Creative Director and Social Media Strategist at MKCREATIVE happens to be one of their […]
#SocialNetworking: Best Practices – Using Twitter’s 140 Characters Effectively
One of the blessings of Twitter is its convenient speed: sign into a myriad (if dwindling number of) portals or software – or straight into the Twitter site – and your genius is on its way to through the intertubes in only 140 characters. One of the curses of Twitter is its convenient speed: sign […]
#MovieReview: Revisiting Spike Lee’s Documentary “When The Levees Broke”
Five years ago this week, Hurricane Katrina slammed into Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Despite the fact that the worst of the storm was east of New Orleans (by about 100 miles), the largest city in the region received the worst damage when the inadequate levee walls were undermined by the storm surge the day after […]
#OURCLIENT: O’Keefe Communications, Inc.
Founded in 1979, O’Keefe Communications is one of the most established and well-respected production companies in the country. O’Keefe Communications’ producers, writers, designers, editors and animators are simply the best at what they do. Every production is infused with creativity and delivered with enthusiasm. As a result, the company has received more than 100 prestigious […]