Take it from veteran reporters. Your press release goes directly to the trashcan if the headline includes the words “anniversary,” “award”, “fundraiser,” “benefit,” or “annual,” among others. If you think these types of events are newsworthy, you’re not thinking like a reporter. How about if you’re promoting your own organization’s achievements and successes? Take a lead […]
#ENVIRO: CBS/EcoMedia Partnership Expands To Bring Revenues To Green Nonprofits
The alliance between CBS/EcoMedia began just last year in an effort to bring advertising dollars directly to nonprofits, and the success of the program is beyond doubt as five more nationally recognized environmental nonprofits have recently joined the ranks. The effort of the partnership is allow corporate sponsors who buy advertising through the CBS conglomerate […]
#Advocacy: ‘This American Life’ Retracts Story Of Abuses At Foxconn
It has been a rough week for social-consciousness movements whose leaders have produced stories a bit too slick to be true. We wrote last week about the doubts surrounding the viral video ‘Kony 2012’ meant to inspire a public campaign against Joseph Kony’s child army in Uganda − if that army still exists and Kony is […]
#TECH: Latest iPad Shifts Mobile Toward Creative Productivity
Apple unveiled the latest iPad this past Wednesday, and though the third generation, Apple will not call it the ‘iPad 3’. Indeed, one of the interesting sideshows of the product’s history has been the sturm und drang over its name. But for its form factor, the changes are both incremental and market-shifting – typical Apple, really. […]
#Tech: Near-Field Communication Now Allows Two-Way Exchanges Of Information
The NFC Forum announced last week a technology protocol that allows NFC to be able to work in two directions synchronously. The press release touted the flexibility of two-way communication and the standards established at the outset to ensure universal access: The extension of the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) to peer-to-peer use in SNEP […]
#Aging: GE & Intel Combine Forces To Improve Independent Living For Seniors
Thought GE & Intel announced in 2009 a partnership to develop technologies for retiring Baby Boomers to enhance their independence, they announced the finalized plans for the organization this week. According to a GE press release, the final legal steps are being taken to create the joint venture by the end of this year. The […]
#Communications: Can We Trust AT&T – T-Mobile Merger Promises?
Or is the merger only promising to be a trust? AT&T has been working through the logistics, regulatory maze, and public-relations (snow?)job for a year or so in its efforts to purchase T-Mobile for $39 million dollars. The merger would make AT&T and Verizon the only major carriers of mobile/4G/LTE networking services in the country. […]
#Public Policy: Charities’ Off-Shore/Tax-Free Holdings Brought Under Congressional Scrutiny
All the talk about US domestic politics and economics at the moment focuses on the federal budget and the possible default that will result if the US debt limit is not raised by 2 August. As our readers are surely aware, Republicans keep floating grand proposals of “Cut, Cap, and Balance“, while Democrats deride the […]