John Kenyon has been helping nonprofits understand and benefit from technology for more than two decades. Before becoming the education program manager for the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) in February, he was a well-traveled consultant and speaker. He was a contributing author on “Effective Online Communications” in the book Managing Technology to Meet your Mission […]
#SocialNetworks: Google+ Defies Expectations And Thus Facebook
The fastest growing social network in history (at least until the next one) is now officially Google+, which has grown to over 25 million visitors since its launch a mere 5 weeks ago, according to Reuters. The numbers include the 7.5-odd million who have visited from overseas (India, Canada, Brazil, France, Taiwan…). So thus far things […]
#SocialNetworks: Are We Seeing Pushback on Google+?
The launch of Google+ (G+) remains an ongoing, by invitation only, event. The evolutionary rollout has given the latest social-networking site a caché of security and exclusivity that (lest we forget) Facebook enjoyed about five years ago. But is Google out to replace Facebook in the hearts and minds (and peeves) of the world’s social […]
#SN: Are Nonprofits Mellowing Their Expectations For Facebook?
Facebook hemorrhaged users last month: some 5% of its US, Canadian, and UK users left the service – some 6 million folks unfriended the social network in the US alone. The drop is statistically significant in scope, but not in time, because numbers of participants vary as wildly as the unemployment rate from month to […]
Social Networking: How to Use HootSuite to Unify & Automate Your Social Networking
Sometimes the power of Twitter is that people use it in real time to report global events. Sometimes the impact of Facebook comes from our ability to post in-the-moment reactions or thoughts to evens as they unfold. We have often noted the power of social networks to spread information, draw in donations, and call passive […]
Resource: Writing Better Headlines
Network for Good has published an e-book, Big Impact in Small Spaces: 9 Ways To Write Better Email Subject Lines, Headlines, Tweets and Facebook Updates. It’s available as a free download that will take less time than it takes to type the book title. Guest blogger Don Akchin writes frequently about marketing and philanthropy at […]
(Some) Social Media Grow, As Might Specialization Among Them
We have had many entries on this blog about the use, best practices, and (occasional) abuse of social media. We have done so with the effort to inform our audience about user trends, technology developments, and the marketing impact social media have had. The Neilsen ratings organization ‘’ has recently posted a three-year survey of […]
Roundup Of Some Social Media Developments(Part 1 of 2)
Facebook has gotten most of the press lately, and the MKCREATIVE blog discussed some of that buzz earlier this week. Facebook’s staff seek to build and weave together the new ‘Social Graphs’ of one’s “Friends” with the use of the already nearly-ubiquitous “Like” button. But another site is under development by Chris Hugues (one of […]